Trinity Blocks

While the game loop and level designs aren't fully polished yet, this is Team 11's exciting submission for the 2025 DGA Game Jam!


As the game jam theme was "Third times the charm," Trinity Blocks represents this in its puzzle platformer nature. Each level provides three blocks, either of varied types or similar types. The goal of each level is to reach the end of the level utilizing only the three blocks available to you. Each block gives the player a boost that gives them a certain ability when they stand or come in contact with it. 

Currently, we have three blocks

  • Jump Boost: Allows the player to jump significantly higher than his usual height.
  • Speed Boost: Allows the player to move at faster speeds
  • Float Boost: Allows the player to 'float.' Unlike the other blocks, this block, when placed, acts like a floating platform on which the player can stand. 

These blocks can be combined to use the features together at once. (HINT: this is useful in level 2)


Movement: arrow keys (keyboard); Jump: space bar (keyboard); Choosing blocks: 1, 2, or 3 (keyboard); Placing blocks: Right-click. To be more specific, the order of the blocks is shown in the inventory. The key bindings are in that order.

Since the gameplay loop was not finished, the second-level death state doesn't exist, so please reload the game to start from the beginning. Else, if you win the level, the game cycles back to the first level.

 All art (except the platformer tiles ) were done by Danielle (me). Tiles sourced by BDragon1727 (

All programming was done by Paul and Agha.

Published 9 days ago
Authorsdann1m, UP-8
GenrePlatformer, Puzzle
Made withUnity
Tags2D, dga-game-jam, Unity

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